I'm New!
We have four worship services on Sunday mornings all taking place at 10 AM.
- Family Life Center - Inspiring and Modern
- Sanctuary - Engaging and Traditional
- Chapel - Vibrant and Bilingual
- KidsPoint - Active and Educational
All children are welcome in all services. There are worship bags available in all worship spaces with options for younger and older children. We provide nursery for infants through preschoolers and Kidspoint Worship for Kindergarten-5th Graders in our Children's Building. All of our Sunday morning activities occur during the worship time at 10 AM.
We have three parking lots. Our largest parking lot is on 16th Avenue NW across from Viewmont Elementary School. You can access all of the worship spaces from this parking lot. We have a parking lot behind the Family Life Center which is accessed from 17th Avenue NW and 2nd Street NW and has access to all of the worship spaces. We have a special needs parking lot for the Sanctuary located between The Point and the Sanctuary. There is a covered entrance and accessible spaces. This lot is accessed from 17th Avenue NW and N. Center Street/Hwy 127.
Ready to join us for worship?