Youth Ministry

We embrace and affirm our 6th-12th graders by providing space for them to ask questions, learn more about God and themselves, and serve in the congregation, community, and world.

Click here for more information.

Fall/Winter Youth News

Sunday Evenings- Our Fall ministries include fellowship, meal, message and small group devotions.  We meet at 5PM in the Youth Building. 


Sunday Mornings-We welcome all 6th-12th grade students and their families to join us in worship on Sunday mornings. We have four worship services, KidsPoint Worship in the Children's Building, a Modern option in our Family Life Center (reviving soon), Traditional in our Sanctuary, and a Traditional Hispanic service in our Chapel.  All services begin at 10AM. Youth are especially invited to help lead KidsPoint Worship. If you'd like to serve, please contact Pastor Monica.

ENCOUNTER Winter Retreat- Save the dates for our Winter Retreat at Lake Junaluska, January 10-12, 2024. We will ask "Who is my neighbor?" and learn to reach those who don't always fit in.  The weekend will be open to all youth grades 6-12 and total participant cost for the weekend will be $100. A deposit of $50 is required. The church helps to offset participant’s costs allowing the expense to be reasonable, however we do not want anyone to decline the opportunity due to funding. If that cost is a challenge please contact Monica and we will make it work for you!  Click HERE for the registration link.


New faces are always welcome and if you have questions, concerns, or are exploring how to get involved feel free to contact our Executive Minister of Outreach and Connection, Monica Childers! Click to email her below or call 828-358-0039.