
St. Luke's has been involved in mission with the Nicaraguan people through our covenant missionaries Ronnie and Angi Hopkins for many years. Through our prayers, presence through mission teams, and our financial support, we are able to connect God's message of love to our Nicaraguan friends. Through person to person, church to church, and community to community connections with these Christians of another way of living, we help to grow in God's love for all people and in our own discipleship. Find out how you can become involved in the sections below or connect with any member of our Nicaraguan Mission Planning Team: Kevin Clark, Bill Garrard, Beth Osbahr, and Beth Steelmon. They have stories to tell of how God works through us and in us in our mission with the Nicaraguan people. 

For more information, contact Pastor Bill Garrard

Our Connection with Nicaragua


Ronnie and Angi Hopkins have been in Nicaragua for over 20 years. Their connection began as they would take mission teams to Nicaragua from their work in the Red Bird Missionary Conference in western Kentucky. Then they found their love for the Nicaraguan people was so strong that God called them to be full time missionaries. In 2005 they came under the auspices of The Mission Society (now TMS Global). Their life has been immensely enriched with the addition of "Peanut" as their Nicaraguan foster child from her birth with serious medical issues. Here is a video celebrating her fifteenth birthday From_Preschool_to_Quinceanera.mp4. They maintain contact with "Peanut's" birth family who live in the remote mountains of Nicaragua. 

St. Luke's has financially supported them since the beginning. Angi is a nurse practitioner who works in health education and with women in bettering their economic and spiritual life through creating craft groups. Ronnie's focus is working with youth leadership development and community development in equipping Nicaraguans in remote areas with better health, education, and spiritual life. The Hopkins have immersed themselves in the lives of the Nicaraguans who serve with them and are great hosts to our mission teams. We have also supported their various projects in community development, building schools, medical clinics, safe water projects, post secondary scholarships, micro economic development, and the training of pastors, youth leaders, medical providers, and school teachers.  

UPDATE February 2025 -- 

"After 8 years of trying to adopt Peanut, we were finally able to do that.  On February 18, four days after we celebrated Peanut's 17th birthday, we celebrated becoming her legal, official parents.  When we have Peanut's new birth certificate, we will be able to pursue getting her a US passport and US citizenship. Again, we will keep you posted and want to thank you for all the many prayers that have lifted up on our behalf over so many, many years.

Amidst the joy we are experiencing, we are saddened by Ronnie's brother James' terminal illness. After the adoption was finalized, Ronnie was able to fly home to spend time with James.  We would like to ask you to keep James and his wife, Barbara, his three daughters, seven grandchildren and the rest of the Hopkins family in your thoughts and prayers." -- Ronnie and Angi Hopkins, February 25, 2025

The Hopkinses are people of immense humility and kindnessListen to them share about their work. Here is a summary of their work from 2015 - 2018.  The Hopkins and their Nicaraguan church partners work in response to severe economic distress, natural disasters, political unrest, and most recently the Covid pandemic.  Pray earnestly for them and their work for God's Kingdom. 

New Ministry Center

See Video

Each week a group of 35 young people come for classes in discipleship, youth leadership, computer and English.  The center is being used to house visiting missionaries, pastors as well as patients awaiting treatment in Managua.  We offer Sunday School teachers' training, children's ministry training as well as monthly sewing workshops. Update on Ministry Center, March 2023

The budget for the Ministry Center is $1,800 per month, plus $700 for copies, teaching material, food, snacks, paper products and transport for the various ministries.  We believe the programs are impacting lives.

Would you consider making a monthly pledge or one time donation to support the work going on at the Ministry Center.   It would be greatly appreciated.

Donations may be sent to:

Acts 1:8

P.O. Box 618

Cedartown, GA  30125

Update from San Diego

For a number of years St. Luke's was closely involved in a small farming village of San Diego, working with the local churches helping the people there have a better life. Our community development work included resourcing the local elementary school, training the teachers, building some classrooms and an assembly shelter, building a central water system, helping the women learn sewing and baking and start local enterprises. This project has officially ended but we have a most recent update on the school from Angi Hopkins:

We recently were able to deliver from Managua some school supplies from a list the teachers gave us. To this day, the San Diego school is the best public school we have come across (in all our time of working with schools in Nicaragua.) 

Go to the bottom of this page to see a phot of all the children overjoy with their new school supplies.

Newsletters, Videos, Needs Lists

Read below their latest newsletters updates on the work with the people who are the poorest and live in some of the most remote areas of Nicaragua. 

Latest Newsletters; Winter 2023Spring 2023, Winter 2025 (includes current needs list)

Reaching the People's Medical Needs:

      Medical Team March 2023 (Some picture may be disturbing)

Youth Leadership Conferences

Threshing Beans on the Rive Bocay

Potable Water in Montuce

You can support them by responding to their latest needs list:  May, 2023.

Archive Newsletters:

Sixty Teachers Attend Sunday School Conference

Spring 2021 Medical Clinic on River Bocay;  School Under Construction at Kayaskon and Atapal; Community Development Work in Motuce; Scholarship Students Graduate; Sewing Enterprises; New Truck for the Mission.

Easter Greetings from the Hopkins

Update from Work on Rio Bocay - March 2021

Community Development Work at Motuce March 2021

Building Schools and Hurricane Relief - December 2020

Listen to the school kids in the remote area of Rio Bocay play their band "instruments."

2019 February, A Medical Mission Team;